Mental health services can offer confidential support from trained staff and volunteers. They cannot make any decisions for people but offer a space to talk about any subject.
Telephone 116 123 (free) (Response time may take several days)
Samaritans also offer a Self-Help app, physical post and some branches offer face-to-face care.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
0800 58 58 58 (5pm-midnight every day)
Webchat –
If you would prefer not to talk but want some mental health support, you can text SHOUT to 85258. Shout offers a confidential 24/7 text service providing support if you are in a crisis and need immediate help.
Mind operates an Infoline that provides information and signposting service where you can ask about mental health, where to get help, treatment options and more.
0300 123 3393 (9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, except Bank Holidays)
Mind Infoline, PO Box 75225, London, E15, 9FS